

Disappointment in Thomas Lockley: His Lies in The Japan Times Rebuttal

Regarding Yasuke, the next protagonist of Assassin's Creed, whom I wrote about last week, Thomas Lockley, who claims to ...

Fact-Checking Yasuke: The Black Samurai in Assassin’s Creed

Have you heard of Yasuke, a black man who arrived in Japan in the 16th century? Yasuke was a slave brought by Jesuit mis...
Japanese Teaching

The Importance of Utilizing Digital Tools in Online Teaching: A Tale of Two Language Teachers

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all my university classes shifted online, and I enrolled in two advanced Chinese courses. ...
Japanese Learning

The Benefits of Online Language Learning: Might Be Better Than Traditional Language Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic has popularized online lessons, transforming what once seemed unimaginable during my childhood int...
Japanese Learning

The Power of Habit: Transforming Language Learning into a Daily Routine

Have you ever found it challenging to continue something despite your desire to stick with it? This is a common struggle...