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The Benefits of Online Language Learning: Might Be Better Than Traditional Language Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic has popularized online lessons, transforming what once seemed unimaginable during my childhood into a daily reality. The progress in technology is truly astounding.

The internet is exceptionally good at bridging gaps between people, places, and information across the globe. This feature is especially beneficial for language learning, allowing us to interact with speakers of various languages from the comfort of our homes.

During my senior year of college, the pandemic prompted a shift to online learning due to the presence of many international students at my university. This experience revealed that online classes are more than just a substitute for traditional ones; they offer unique benefits not found in conventional classroom settings. In this post, I’ll explore the advantages of online lessons over traditional language schools, particularly for those considering online learning websites like Preply.

Advantages of Online Lessons


Online lessons tend to be more affordable than traditional language schools, which incur significant operational costs like administrative fees, utilities, and printing—expenses that are inevitably passed on to students through tuition. In contrast, online lessons avoid many of these overhead costs. Online schools do have operating costs, but platforms like Preply that connect tutors and learners offer high-quality lessons at a more affordable price.

Flexible Scheduling

Perhaps the most significant advantage of online lessons is their flexibility. With teachers available from various countries, students can find classes at almost any time, thanks to differing time zones. Moreover, the ability to reschedule classes adds a layer of convenience that traditional schools can’t match.

Efficient Time Use

Studying from home allows students to use their time more efficiently. Unlike attending a physical school, which requires travel and preparation, online classes can be attended immediately without any need for extensive preparations. This setup is ideal for fitting lessons around other commitments like work or household tasks.

Resilience to External Factors

Online education is impervious to many disruptions that affect physical schools, from pandemics like COVID-19 to adverse weather conditions. It also allows students to continue learning when mildly ill without the risk of spreading germs.

Why Online Learning Might Be More Effective Than Language Schools

Personalized Attention

Online learning commonly offers one-on-one instruction, allowing for a comfortable environment where students can make mistakes freely and ask questions without hesitation. Unlike in a crowded classroom, this setup enables tailored feedback and significantly more speaking practice.

Interactive Conversation Practice

The primary strength of individual lessons is the opportunity for interactive conversation practice. Despite six years of studying English in school, my conversation skills were minimal because the focus was on grammar and reading, not speaking. Engaging in meaningful dialogue using a foreign language enhances retention and fluency.

Customized Learning

Traditional schools often cater to the average needs of a group, which can leave some students feeling out of place if the material is too easy or too difficult. Online lessons, however, can be tailored to meet the exact needs and interests of each student, ensuring a more satisfying and effective learning experience.

Choice of Tutors

Everyone has experienced a mismatch with a teacher at some point, which can affect their enthusiasm for a subject. Online platforms provide the freedom to choose from a vast array of tutors, ensuring a good fit and the option to change tutors if necessary.

Utilization of Digital Tools

Online lessons harness digital tools that are not available in traditional settings. For example, if a student doesn’t understand a term, a quick Google image search can make the meaning clear immediately. Tools like Yomitan allow for instant translations of web-based texts into Japanese, which I encourage my learners to fully utilize it to prepare for and review.

In conclusion, online language learning platforms offer a range of benefits that can surpass traditional language schools, from cost savings and flexibility to personalized learning and innovative use of technology.