
Japanese Teaching

Got the Professional Badge: Insights from the Preply Language Teaching Course

As of December 2024, Preply extended its Professional badge to tutors of all languages, a perk that was previously avail...
Japanese Teaching

Can Online Language Tutors Work While Traveling? Tips for Quality Lessons on the Go

Some language teachers travel the world while conducting online lessons. With just a laptop and an internet connection, ...

Why Preply Has So Many Professional Tutors

There are various platforms on the internet that connect tutors and students, but Preply stands out as a platform where ...

Is Preply’s Fee High? Why I Stick with Preply for Student Contracts

Some of my students ask, "Isn't Preply's fee high? Should I just pay you directly?" While I appreciate their thoughtfuln...
Japanese Teaching

Finally Over 400 Hours: The Ultimate Milestone for Preply Tutors

I’ve finally hit 400 teaching hours on Preply! Preply’s commission rates drop as you accumulate more teaching hours, and...

How to Sync Your Preply Calendar with Alexa

Last week, I got the time mixed up for a student's second lesson—it was meant to be 30 minutes earlier than our trial se...

From Chance Encounters: My Journey to Teaching on Preply

Sakura, or cherry blossoms, have started to bloom. In Japan, both new semester and new fiscal year begin in April. These...